Ice with leaves on it
Hi-Rise,  life,  Thoughts and musings

Thought of the Day

“I am a human being, not a human doing.”

-Kurt Vonnegut

Why is this so hard to realize sometimes? I wonder that when I am always ready to step in and do something or to clean up messes other people have made. Why do I do it? Especially when I see so little appreciation shown. Sure, there is some, but it seems like most of what I do gets taken for granted. I like bringing order out of the chaos I see around me. Unfortunately, it also is frustrating when people don’t seem to care.

I actually voiced this frustration after the Residents Council meeting last week. Unfortunately, people seemed to focus on the first part of my comments which were about not having any chocolates saved for me. The more important part, that it wasn’t the chocolates per set but what they represented went right over their heads or was ignored. I admit, I might have said it in a better way, but the fact that I voiced my feelings at all is a big thing.

Then there the people who constantly say I try to control things or I get upset too easily. I am working on both of those. It’s just hard when people won’t even meet me halfway. Also, poor communication. I really believe that a lot of the unpleasantness that happened before the tea event on Super Bowl Sunday could have been avoided if there was more clear communication about who was doing what and more flexibility shown. Also, more mutual respect.

There needs to be more understanding and patience. As my mom used to say, “Be patient. God isn’t finished with me yet.”

I am a writer of Sci-Fi and Horror fiction, poet, photographer, and proud tech geek. I also like volunteering in my community, reading, and creating art.

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