
  • Red leaf in a pile of brown leaves
    photos,  Poetry

    Seasons Change

    Here is a new poem celebrating the change of seasons and all the things that brings with it. It also speaks to all the things fall can be, including the palette of beautiful colors visible in nature at this time of year. Seasons change Days get shorter Weather gets cooler Leaves burst with colors from nature’s palette Fall is here Football season Spooky season Election season People enjoy these last warm days Before winter’s chill covers the land Before everything is brown and bare Before the holiday rush Fall is here The land prepares to sleep We prepare to hibernate To celebrate  Knowing the light and warmth will return Fall…

  • life,  Poetry

    On The (Straight) Edge

    Poison Running through your veins Clouding the mind Making you act a fool Why do you consume In mass quantities  That which can harm? That which can make you sick? Make you sad? Do you drink to forget? To remember? Maybe to escape From life From love lost or gone From pain or sorrow Why do you pollute your body Dull your mind Fill the recycling bins with bottles Empty shells Husks of clear and brown glass Reminders of what once was and maybe what should never be. Money spent Beer drunk Clarity lost It’s never too late to stop To think To make a change Or at least to…

  • life,  Poetry

    Two kinds of people

    Who steps up when something needs doing? Who volunteers and says, I will? Who sees something that needs fixing or cleaning and just goes and does it? The doers. The carers. The community members. Who sits by and watches others work? Who complains but never takes initiative  Never offer to help? Who is content to let others toil? The observers. The self centered. Those who don’t care. What can be done? What happened to responsibility? To pride? To care? What happened to wanting to make the world, your world a better place? What can we do when people don’t care?  When they won’t lend a hand. What can we do…

  • Chairs by table
    life,  Poetry

    Lament #1

    Push in your chair It’s blocking the way Push in your chair I need to get through  Push in your chair It only takes a moment It’s easy to do Push in your chair It’s showing respect  Push in your chair It’s the right thing to do Push in your chair Your mother doesn’t work here Push in your chair You’re leaving a mess Push in your chair Take a moment and think Push in your chair  It’s the least you can do.