Vegetables on a table
Hi-Rise,  life

Why do People do the things they do?

Do you ever have a day that makes you wonder why people do what they do? I do. In fact, I seem to have one of those days every Sunday. The hi-rise I live in gets vegetables from our neighborhood community garden on that day each week. It’s interesting to watch the people who come to take some.

Vegetables on a metal table

First, you have those who don’t even wait until all the vegetables are put out on the table. Then, you have people who grab all of a certain thing and don’t leave any for others. That puzzles me and makes me wonder what goes through their minds. Do they not even think of other people? I have to wonder how these people were raised. If I was the one taking vegetables and I saw there was only a little of one type, I would just take a bit so others could have some as well.

The other thing that boggles my mind is people who when taking something like carrots or beets will break off the greens and just take the actual root part. When they do this, they always leave the cut greens on the table. There is a trash basket right by the door. Why don’t they throw the garbage parts away? It’s not like they have to go out of their way to do it.

Vegetable pieces on a table
This is the type of thing I find on the table and have to dispose of.

I can’t help wondering what would get people to realize that they are living in a community and they have to think of other people besides themselves. Would posting signs help? Or bagging up the vegetables and instructing people to take just one bag? I wish there was some solution because dealing with this is very frustrating.

Some of the bounty this summer

I am a writer of Sci-Fi and Horror fiction, poet, photographer, and proud tech geek. I also like volunteering in my community, reading, and creating art.

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