life,  Poetry

Two kinds of people

Who steps up when something needs doing?

Who volunteers and says, I will?

Who sees something that needs fixing or cleaning and just goes and does it?

The doers. The carers. The community members.

Who sits by and watches others work?

Who complains but never takes initiative 

Never offer to help?

Who is content to let others toil?

The observers. The self centered. Those who don’t care.

What can be done?

What happened to responsibility?

To pride? To care?

What happened to wanting to make the world, your world a better place?

What can we do when people don’t care? 

When they won’t lend a hand.

What can we do besides sigh, throw up our hands, shake our heads?

Something needs to be done.

As usual it’s up to the motivated few.

I am a writer of Sci-Fi and Horror fiction, poet, photographer, and proud tech geek. I also like volunteering in my community, reading, and creating art.

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